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Remote File Classes

At the core of JNFS is a client-side class library that mirrors the functionality of the standard Java file classes in the package. Table 1 presents an overview of the file classes in the package and their JNFS equivalents. Each of these JNFS client classes inherits from either its counterpart or from an ancestor of its counterpart.


package package jnfs purpose
File RemoteFile pathname abstraction,
file attributes
FileInputStream RemoteFileInputStream read-only input stream
FileOutputStream RemoteFileOutputStream write-only output stream
RandomAccessFile RemoteRandomAccessFile read/write, block-orient-
ed random access
FileReader RemoteFileReader character file input
FileWriter RemoteFileWriter character file output
FileServer gives back filehandles,
provides user info
Table: file classes and their JNFS equivalents.


The JNFS client classes transmit both file information and blocks of data across RMI. We describe in greater detail the purpose and functionality of the JNFS client classes below.

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Michael John Radwin
Thu May 8 10:49:26 EDT 1997