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Class jnfs.FileSystemUser


public class FileSystemUser
extends Identity
A FileSystemUser is pairs a username and public key and adds functionality for caching session tokens and challenges.

$Id:,v 1.12 1997/05/20 17:59:39 mjr Exp $
Michael John Radwin

Constructor Index

 o FileSystemUser()
Constructor for serialization only.
 o FileSystemUser(String)
Constructs a FileSystemUser with the specified name and no scope.
 o FileSystemUser(String, IdentityScope)
Constructs a FileSystemUser with the specified name and scope.

Method Index

 o addChallenge(Challenge)
Adds the specified Challenge to this FileSystemUser's cache of challenges.
 o addToken(Token)
Adds the specified Token to this FileSystemUser's cache of tokens.
 o challenges()
Returns an Enumeration of the challenges stored for this user
 o removeChallenge(Challenge)
Removes the specified Challenge if it is stored in this FileSystemUser.
 o removeToken(Token)
Removes the specified Token if it is stored in this FileSystemUser.
 o tokens()
Returns an Enumeration of the tokens stored for this user


 o FileSystemUser
 protected FileSystemUser()
Constructor for serialization only.

 o FileSystemUser
 public FileSystemUser(String name,
                       IdentityScope scope) throws KeyManagementException
Constructs a FileSystemUser with the specified name and scope.

name - the identity name.
scope - the scope of the identity.
Throws: KeyManagementException
if there is already an identity with the same name in the scope.
 o FileSystemUser
 public FileSystemUser(String name)
Constructs a FileSystemUser with the specified name and no scope.

name - the identity name.


 o tokens
 public Enumeration tokens()
Returns an Enumeration of the tokens stored for this user

 o challenges
 public Enumeration challenges()
Returns an Enumeration of the challenges stored for this user

 o addToken
 public void addToken(Token tok)
Adds the specified Token to this FileSystemUser's cache of tokens.

token - the Token to be added.
 o addChallenge
 public void addChallenge(Challenge chall)
Adds the specified Challenge to this FileSystemUser's cache of challenges.

challenge - the Challenge to be added.
 o removeToken
 public boolean removeToken(Token tok)
Removes the specified Token if it is stored in this FileSystemUser.

token - the Token to be removed.
true if the argument was a stored token; false otherwise.
 o removeChallenge
 public boolean removeChallenge(Challenge chall)
Removes the specified Challenge if it is stored in this FileSystemUser.

challenge - the Challenge to be removed.
true if the argument was a stored challenge; false otherwise.

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