Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo! is a talk I gave at PHPCon2002 in Milbrae, CA on October 25, 2002. press coverage: slashdot – CNET – MSNBC – – TechWEB
15 minutes of fame, part 2
The PHP-Yahoo! story got picked up today by CNET My favorite excerpt: “(Yahoo) is a cheap company. (It) can’t afford to waste engineering resources.” –Michael Radwin, Yahoo engineer I hope I don’t get fired for pointing out that my employer is stingy. 🙂
Yahoo moving to PHP hits slashdot
Quite a buzz at the office today. My Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo! presentation appeared on slashdot, a news website about technology. I hardly ever read slashdot, but I spent all afternoon in total browser-refresh mode. My colleague Jeremy Zawodny wrote about Yahoo! getting Slashdotted.
PHPCon 2002
I spoke at PHPCon 2002 today. My talk was entitled “Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo!” wins an award
My website was selected as one of the Top 10 Sites for 2002 by the Jewish Agency for Israel. It was kinda fun. They sent me an email saying that I had one the award, and sure enough, I went to their site to read the review. I was tickled pink. Saying that […]
Vegetarian Fast Food
We just got a copy of the Vegetarian Resource Group’s Guide to Fast Food. It’s a great little booklet, well worth the $4, and an extremely interesting read. I keep Kosher but eat vegetarian food at non-Kosher restaurants, so this is a useful resource.
New Home!
We moved into our new house! Here are lots more pictures. Living the American dream. 🙂
Vegan Caesar Salad
We have been making our favorite Vegan Caesar Salad Dressing recipe quite a bit this summer. from Vegetarian Resource Center – – Boston, USA You didn’t say that it had to be low calorie; this is the dressing for a “Vegan Caesar Salad” (It is supposed to go on romaine lettuce, with croutons) 2 […]
My first couple of years at Yahoo! I worked on statistical models used for targeted advertising and content recommendation. Last year, we actually got around to submitting one of those systems to the U.S. Patent Office. It hasn’t been granted yet, but hey, “Patent Pending” is cool enough. I’m hopeful that they will grant it, […]
UCLA Grad School
I justed started a part-time masters program at UCLA’s Computer Science deptartment. Whoa. I’m a student again.