Marc Hedlund: Swearing Off (and at) My Yahoo My take: Mr. Grumpy-pants isn’t too happy about being a year older. Mikel’s take: “You shouldn’t be using your computer on your birthday anyway.”
Compaq Evo Notebook N610c
The Yahoo! IS department delivered a Compaq Evo N610c laptop to my desk today. My almost-3-year-old IBM Thinkpad 390X has been sent off to the place where All Good Laptops Go To Die. I had been schlepping the IBM 390X from LAX to SJC pretty much every week since fall of 2002. About 6 months […] virus
I just got another email from which looks to me like a virus. This is the 3rd or 4th in a couple of days. So I went to both Symantec‘s and McAfee‘s anti-virus pages, and didn’t turn up anything. Then I tried a Yahoo! search for “ virus”. Nothing. For kicks, I tried a […]
A leaner version of the Yahoo! homepage
There’s a mean, lean version of the Yahoo! homepage. If you pull up in a web browser, you’ll get a bare-bones page with no ads. It’s even got the nifty little trick to put the cursor in the search box. The total page weight (HTML + Images + JavaScript) comes in at 10.3K, which […]
Reading the most recent copy of PC Magazine, I stumbled across an article called Generating Dummy Text in Word. I gave it a shot this morning, and sure enough, it worked: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over […]
Palm Zire
I bought a Palm Zire at Fry’s Electronics last night. It was on sale for $89. I lost my trusty old Palm V in November and have been miserable without it for the past 6 weeks. One of the reasons it took me so long to get a replacement was that I saw it as […]
Busy at work this week
I’m in the SF Bay Area this week for work and I’m really busy. I don’t even have time to write anything amusing for my blog. Now that I’m officially a pointy-haired (in the Dilbert sense) manager-type, there are lots of meetings. Some intersting new projects are on the plate for the coming year. Speaking […]
Hebcal blog
I have started keeping a separate blog for my Hebcal Interactive Jewish Calendar Tools website.
Adding content previews to MT Main Index
I’ve got a 30-second improvement to the Main Index template for MovableType. In the Recent Entries section on the right-hand column, I have added HTML title=”…” attibutes so you can get a sneak preview of the content before you click. I simply changed this: <a href=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”><$MTEntryTitle$></a><br /> to this: <a title=”[<$MTEntryDate format=”%x”$>] <$MTEntryExcerpt$>” href=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”><$MTEntryTitle$></a><br /> […]
The Colonel’s Secret Recipe
Yahoo! News: PETA Launching Boycott of KFC (AP) – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said Monday it is launching a boycott against KFC because of alleged animal-rights abuses by the chain of fried-chicken restaurants. Remember that jingle? “Kentucky Fried Chicken: we do chicken right!”