New cartoon from Brian Frisk

Brian Frisk, creator of the We Are Robots cartoon series, has just published another cartoon entitled Off My Lawn#2: The Terrorist. “Flag-waving is a fun, colorful pastime that’s great exercise for your arms while helping to stick it to the terror organization of your choice. But sometimes it isn’t enough. Thank God for Clyde. He’s […]

Pagong Chair

Ariella and I assembled our Pagong chair from Ikea last night. It’s beautiful and bouncy. We first visited Ikea in 2000 during the first season of Survivor and were tickled to see that Ikea had named a chair after one of the tribes. But we waited almost three years before making the purchase. Sitting in […]

Rachel’s a hacker

My friend Rachel who likes rabbits, always wears red, and talks about weird diseases has become a hacker. She’s sportin’ some slick CSS on her blog and kickin’ around some phat SAS. Welcome to the club, Rach. It won’t be long before you’re coding PHP like the rest of us.