MovableType databases got corrupted yesterday, and now everything has gone to hell. I am editing this file by hand. Waiting for my ISP to do a tape restore, which means I can’t really update the blog until Sunday… 🙁
Happy Birthday, Shachar!
Crime in Beverly Hills
PHPCon West 2003
I will be speaking at PHPCon West 2003 on October 23 in Santa Clara, CA. I’ll be giving an updated version of my One Year of PHP at Yahoo! talk. If you didn’t make it to Portland this summer, you can hear me live in the Bay Area this fall. Here’s the abstract: Running a […]
XML for Makefiles?
XML hasn’t cured our ills or saved the world, but people keep using it for absurd purposes anyways. I finally took a quick look at Apache Ant today to see what all the fuss is about. Apparently with some additional components you can actually get Ant to build C/C++ code. However, compare this build.xml for […]
Camejo for Govenor
Although I didn’t vote for Davis in the last election, I will be voting “no” on the recall this October. He may not be the most charismatic guy in the world, but we Californians elected him. In case the recall succeeds (which it looks like it probably will), I will once again be voting for […]
Friday hack: rcs2log
One of my co-workers asked me this week for an easy way to see which files had changed in CVS over the last week. I suggested that rcs2log would be a good first start, but strangely enough he had never heard of it before. rcs2log is a nifty script that you can use to generate […]
Today is Tisha B’Av, a Jewish holy day. I choose to call it a “holy day” and not a “holiday” because it’s a rather somber one. Last night at shul we read from the book of Eicha (known in English as Lamentations) by candelight. Both the words and the melody are melancholy and sad. The […] online communities redux
My friend Chris persuaded me to sign up for, an online community/job networking website. It’s like 1999 all over again, and the web still sucks. Back then, PlanetAll promised to help you manage your contacts so you’d never need to update your address book every again; you just “linked” to someone’s PlanetAll account and […]
Recovering domain names from squatters
Next week’s Perkins Coie Computer/Internet Law Roundtable is entitled “STALKING THE WILY DOMAIN SQUATTER: Lessons from Years of Recovering Domain Names.” David Steele will discuss how to recover infringing domain names and protect trademarks and trade names from cybersquatters using examples and techniques drawn from his extensive experience with domain name and trademark issues.