The Vegetarian Resource Group recently published the 2004 edition of their Guide to Fast Food. If you’re a vegetarian and you eat out at non-vegetarian restaurants, it’s well worth the $6 investment. The VRG publishes updates of the 24-page book every couple of years. I first found out about the VRG a couple of years […]
What Will Happen When We’re Always Connected?
Brown University VP of Research avd will be moderating a talk on Monday April 26, 2004 at 6pm entitled “What Will Happen When We’re Always Connected?” The forum will be held at Macromedia Inc. in San Francisco, but there’s also going to be a web simulcast. Many people know Andy as co-author of the classic […]
Coding conventions
As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one way to write C-like code. First of all, you must select sane whitespace defaults in your editor. Here’s the one true way to configure Emacs. (setq default-tab-width 8) (defun one-true-style () (c-set-style “bsd”) (setq tab-width 8) (setq c-basic-offset 4) (setq indent-tabs-mode t)) (add-hook ‘c-mode-hook ‘one-true-style) (add-hook ‘objc-mode-hook […]
Dotfiles from 1993
I was cleaning out some boxes from my parents’ garage and found a bunch of 1.44MB floppy disks. Most of them were garbage, but I found one of them that contained a dotfiles.tar from October 1993. Here’s a few examples of the time-warp material I found inside: .plan I plan to make a more original […]
Matzah time
Pesach starts in about 2.5 hours. I had a veggie tamale for lunch as my last bit of chametz/kitniyot. It was goooood. Chag kasher v’sameach!
PayPal fraud, part two
I mentioned last week that I received a strange payment via PayPal that appeared to be fraudulent. I rejected the payment, and then the buyer decided to send me $1.20 instead of $0.20. I accepted that payment just to see what would happen. Sure enough, it was fraud. I got email from PayPal today confirming […]
Advanced PHP Programming
I just got a copy of Advanced PHP Programming by George Schlossnagle. It’s the first good book published for PHP5, and an excellent read even for folks who are still using PHP4. The book isn’t just about PHP. It covers many aspects of the development process used to produce a robust, fast, maintainable website. George […]
$0.20 PayPal fraud?
Recently I’ve been receiving a number of $0.20 PayPal donations via the Jewish calendar website that I maintain. I think this has got to be part of some sort of fraud. Since PayPal charges up to $0.30 in fees, these donations don’t make me any money. Luckily, I’m not losing 10 cents apiece (PayPal is […]
HTTP Caching and Cache-busting
I have been invited to speak about HTTP caching and cache-busting at the O’Reilly Open Source Convention in July 2004. Abstract of my talk: A user’s web experience can often be improved by the proper use of HTTP caches. This talk discusses when to use and when to avoid caching, how to employ cache-busting techniques […]
Got nothin’ to say
Kinda busy these days.