My friend Rachel who likes rabbits, always wears red, and talks about weird diseases has become a hacker. She’s sportin’ some slick CSS on her blog and kickin’ around some phat SAS. Welcome to the club, Rach. It won’t be long before you’re coding PHP like the rest of us.
Author: mradwin
Happy Birthday from My Yahoo!
Marc Hedlund: Swearing Off (and at) My Yahoo My take: Mr. Grumpy-pants isn’t too happy about being a year older. Mikel’s take: “You shouldn’t be using your computer on your birthday anyway.”
Compaq Evo Notebook N610c
The Yahoo! IS department delivered a Compaq Evo N610c laptop to my desk today. My almost-3-year-old IBM Thinkpad 390X has been sent off to the place where All Good Laptops Go To Die. I had been schlepping the IBM 390X from LAX to SJC pretty much every week since fall of 2002. About 6 months […] virus
I just got another email from which looks to me like a virus. This is the 3rd or 4th in a couple of days. So I went to both Symantec‘s and McAfee‘s anti-virus pages, and didn’t turn up anything. Then I tried a Yahoo! search for “ virus”. Nothing. For kicks, I tried a […]
A leaner version of the Yahoo! homepage
There’s a mean, lean version of the Yahoo! homepage. If you pull up in a web browser, you’ll get a bare-bones page with no ads. It’s even got the nifty little trick to put the cursor in the search box. The total page weight (HTML + Images + JavaScript) comes in at 10.3K, which […]
Reading the most recent copy of PC Magazine, I stumbled across an article called Generating Dummy Text in Word. I gave it a shot this morning, and sure enough, it worked: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over […]
Palm Zire
I bought a Palm Zire at Fry’s Electronics last night. It was on sale for $89. I lost my trusty old Palm V in November and have been miserable without it for the past 6 weeks. One of the reasons it took me so long to get a replacement was that I saw it as […]
Busy at work this week
I’m in the SF Bay Area this week for work and I’m really busy. I don’t even have time to write anything amusing for my blog. Now that I’m officially a pointy-haired (in the Dilbert sense) manager-type, there are lots of meetings. Some intersting new projects are on the plate for the coming year. Speaking […]
Hebcal blog
I have started keeping a separate blog for my Hebcal Interactive Jewish Calendar Tools website.
Adding content previews to MT Main Index
I’ve got a 30-second improvement to the Main Index template for MovableType. In the Recent Entries section on the right-hand column, I have added HTML title=”…” attibutes so you can get a sneak preview of the content before you click. I simply changed this: <a href=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”><$MTEntryTitle$></a><br /> to this: <a title=”[<$MTEntryDate format=”%x”$>] <$MTEntryExcerpt$>” href=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”><$MTEntryTitle$></a><br /> […]