Ask Yahoo!, a daily column that features Q&A with Yahoo!’s expert team of Surfers, is now syndicating its content via RSS.
Here’s the link to the RSS file:
[Update: the XML now validates correctly.]
Ask Yahoo!, a daily column that features Q&A with Yahoo!’s expert team of Surfers, is now syndicating its content via RSS.
Here’s the link to the RSS file:
[Update: the XML now validates correctly.]
Oh, sure, you with your fancy “We don’t need to worry about pricing structures or CPC models, or DOT guidelines” go an launch an RSS feed for something cool. Fine, *snivel*, no it’s ok *sniff*sniff* I– I understand…
JR, at least your RSS feed is formated correctly. There is a invalid spaceid comment tag at the begining of the ask feed.
Tony (the guy who does Ask Yahoo!) is aware of the problem. A future push should correct it.
I guess that’s why it’s called “beta” 🙂
Yahoo has an RSS feed
Michael Radwin writes, “Ask Yahoo!, a daily column that features Q&A with Yahoo!’s expert team of Surfers, is now syndicating its content via RSS.” Here it is. Let me just put in a vote for RSS 2.0
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