Goodbye, LA Times. Hello, San Jose Mercury News.
Goodbye, Shtibl Minyan. Hello, Congregation Kol Emeth.
Goodbye, Ralph’s. Hello, Safeway.
Goodbye, Yahoo! Santa Monica. Hello, Yahoo! Sunnyvale.
Goodbye, the 405 and the 10. Hello, 101 and 280.
Goodbye, LA Times. Hello, San Jose Mercury News.
Goodbye, Shtibl Minyan. Hello, Congregation Kol Emeth.
Goodbye, Ralph’s. Hello, Safeway.
Goodbye, Yahoo! Santa Monica. Hello, Yahoo! Sunnyvale.
Goodbye, the 405 and the 10. Hello, 101 and 280.
Transferring back to Yahoo!Sunnyvale?
Cool! No more long flights to Sunnyvale??
Welcome back to the neighborhood.
(He writes from Portland…)