Working on my OSCON talk

It dawned on me recently that I’ve only got about 2 weeks before my One Year of PHP at Yahoo! talk at the O’Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland.

Here’s the section title slide for one of the parts of my talk:

I like talks that have lots of graphics, even if they’re a little goofy. I hate it when folks just put slide after slide of text. Those bullet-points communicate a lot of information, but they are really unpleasant to read.

[Update 8 July 2003: Slides for the talk are now available online.]

2 thoughts on “Working on my OSCON talk

  1. JR

    Provided that you’re not holding the talk in Arizona, you should do fine. Oh, and I agree, slides are supposed to be a backdrop for your discussion. Lemme know if you need/want/desire more arty crap.

    Personally, I dislike going over slides from a talk. They only contain 10-20% of the actual information presented and just serve to prove that you had to be there.

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